25 August 2014

Unspoken Words

I've got so many posts that I want to write, so many thoughts I want to express. I feel like the muted, suppressed violin. So far, at last count, I think I've got about 16 posts that I'm in the process of writing, on a whole variety of topics. Some of those are almost finished or partly finished; some are just a collection of thoughts; some are just a title or a single thought that I want to write about. I don't know when I'll manage to actually write or publish another proper post, but hopefully it won't be too long.

In the meantime, I thought I would share something that I found amusing. My
typing is not great at the moment; it is littered with typos that I don't notice at the time, and it is exhausting physically and cognitively. So I decided to try writing this using the Google speech-to-text app that I mentioned in this post about communication. This was the result:

"Unspoken words i've got so many posts that i want to write simon a sort i want to express i feel like the muted suppressed finance so far i lost count i think i've got about 16 posts enterprise and processed i'm in the process of writing on a horse writing of topics some of those are almost finished or partly finished summer just cant get erection of thought some are just title or a single thought i want to write about i don't know when i'll manage to actually right republic another parcel post that hopefully it won't be too long"

Is my speech really THAT incoherent?!! And what on earth is an 'erection of thought'?! Oh well, it was still easier to edit that jumble than to type everything out myself! :-)


I'd love to hear what you think! Do leave a comment if you have anything you'd like to say about this topic. If you have any difficulty with this process, please see the Site Help page. Please bear with me if it takes a while for me to respond; I really appreciate you taking the time to read and comment on my blog, but I'm not always well enough to reply. Thank you :-)

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