Site help

Please let me know if you have any difficulties using this site, and I will do my best to help.

How to follow this blog
There are various ways to follow this blog, and if you're on the desktop version of this site you just need to look at the right hand side bar for links. If you're on the mobile version of the site, however, it doesn't appear to be as obvious. When I'm up to it I'll come back and post some links here; until then, if you're on a mobile and want to follow this blog, try clicking 'View web version' at the bottom of the page. Thank you :-)


Common acronyms used on this site:

  • ME: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
  • CFS: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • PWME: People or a person with ME
  • MEEPs: People who have ME

How to submit a comment
A few people have let me know that they've commented on my blog, but I haven't received notification of their comments so haven't been able to approve them for publication on the blog. I'm not sure why this is, but when I've tried doing test comments, I have always received notification of them. I'm really sorry if you have experienced problems with this!

On reading the 'Blogger' help forum, it seems the problem may have been the embedded comment form (ie having the comment form on the same page as the blog post), and/or the image verification step to prove you're not a robot. I've therefore amended the settings to remove both of these issues. I hope it helps!

The current process to comment is as follows:

  • Click ‘post a comment’
  • A pop up box will show any existing comments, and at the bottom of these there will be a heading ‘Leave your comment’ with a paragraph underneath and a blank box underneath that.
  • Write your comment in the box.
    • If you want to send me a message privately, instead of having it publicly displayed on the blog, type "Do not publish on blog" at the top of your comment, and include an email address if you want me to reply to you (although I cannot guarantee to do this).
  • Scroll down to ‘Choose an identity’. Choose what name/profile you want to be associated with your comment.
    • If you just want to put your name/pseudonym, click ‘Name/URL’; type the name you want to use in the ‘name’ box, and leave the ‘URL’ box blank.
  • Click ‘Preview’ to check your comment before publishing, if you wish.
  • When you are happy, click ‘Publish your comment’.
  • If you’ve successfully commented, a message will show at the top of the pop up box saying, ‘Your comment has been saved and will be visible after blog owner approval.’ 
  • I will receive an email letting me know you’ve commented. As soon as I am able, I will read your comment and approve it for publication on the site (unless you have asked me not to). Replying to your comment may take me a little longer, but I’ll do it as soon as I am able.

If you still have problems, please let me know by emailing cheeringrachel (at sign) yahoo (dot) com - thank you!

Thank you for commenting :-)

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